Friday, October 14, 2005

Will this one work?

Don't ya love it?
you spend an hour doing nothing but tryin to get a good intro blog together, you finish, hit publish, and...... all that work gets lost in the vast space of the internet. Yep, happened to me a week or 2 ago when i tried starting my own blog here. Oh well.
So I'm still trying to get used to this whole blog thing... Normally if i just start writing because i'm bored, it's on paper. It's alot safer, for lack of better wording... But who cares. Here i am!
I'm Adam, 22/m/ny. And no, not NYC. If i had a dollar for everytime someone hears i'm from NY and says somethin like "Ohhh, so how's life in the big city?" I wouldn't need a job... Which i need right now. Went in for an interview at a local relatively big city ambulance service today... well, yesterday now... My interviewers gave me the whole deal about all that was involved in getting started, and wow. LOTS OF TIME. So i'm gonna start there in January unless something 'uge changes... Now all i gotta do is find a job for the time between now and then.
I'm takin a paramedic class. We just finished up Anatomy and Physiology. what a cluster. I do extend some sympathy for the instructor because it was his first time teaching EMS students. Anyone familiar with this unique group of individuals (EMS personnel) knows that that is no easy task. The guy was kinda getting on some peoples bad sides because they did not like his teaching style, but then he pretty much signed his own death warrant when he commited one of EMS's biggest pet peeves. C'mon all you EMS people, you know what happened. He referred to us all as Ambulanc Drivers... He was talkin about how you gotta be careful collaring Down's Syndrome kids because of some ligament problem in the neck, then he said "I dont know if they teach you ambulance drivers that stuff or not, but i just thought it was an interesting fact." Ouch. Cold, doc... real cold. The thing is, i dont think the guy even realized that he was teaching paramedic students until about a week before the final... We told him we needed our scores asap so we could know how we did before paramedic class started and he was like "Paramedic class? what do you mean, paramedic class". Yeeeup, so much for the BSA motto of Be Prepared...
So anyway, I've been a basic emt for 4 years, firefighter for 5... currently Lieutenant/Medical Officer for the FD i Vol for... been there 4 years now. I like it. We have a bit of everything around us... Wilderness, State highway, rather popular lake with the boaters and the fishermen, its nice. The area is not too rural but not too overpopulated either.
other than that i work for a few area ambulances per deim... one in a small city and one within sight of the edge of the world... Anybody ever hear the phrase "Osceola, My Ass"? If you know which Osceola I'm talkin about, you will agree that it's pretty much on the edge of nowhere. actually, i think its on the other side of the border of nowhere.
Well, i have one of those useless job interviews tomorrow. Ya know what i'm talkin about... Only taking the interview as a screening for a job, but you have no intention of taking it due to that little fact of life named "Stuff changes"...
Well, it's 4 am and it is wayyyy past my bedtime... wait a minute... i think i gave up my right to sleep when i got that little multi-colored card that says EMT-Basic on it... so if you give up your right to sleep with your basic card, what do you give up for that card that says paramedic? I've heard various things.... A year of your life, the rest of your life, your sanity, pretty much everything... Whatever. Roll with the punches and kick some ass at whatever it is you do so you can laugh and send a one fingered wave to the dinks that laughed at ya when you announced your intentions. I've got a few of them myself to dish out once this is all said and done.
Talk to ya soon


At 8:58 PM, November 13, 2018, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Osceola My Ass was a poem on the wall of the Osceola Hotel in Osceola, NY years ago. Dropped by there after fishing Fish Creek.


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