Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Christmas/New Years break and Module 1 evals.

How was everyone's Christmas/New Years? hope it went well for everyone.
Things went good here... it's been a weird winter so far though. It started snowin around Thanksgiving, kept snowing until a few days before Christmas, then warmed up and started raining. Snow in my back yard was knee deep before Christmas, now it's about 5 inches of slushy/icy/crusty crap.
The clear roads are nice though.

Anyway, i totally wasted the break from class. My plan was to catch up on making my flash cards (i was turning pretty much any definition in my book into flashcards), brush up on shock, pharm, and study up more on airway. I'm sure you can guess what happened though. Yup, had to blow the dust off of my book last night.
i dont feel too bad though, because my sister didnt crack her book at all either.

Class went ok, we went through history taking and the Q&A portion of Pt. Assessment last night.
We also had our module one evaluations with our instructor. (They had another one of the instructors teaching while our regular instructor pulled us into his office one by one and evaluated our performance and addressed a few issues before they got out of hand.

We'll be starting hospital time in a week or 2 from the sound of things.

The new job is going pretty good, i'm driving a route that i'll be on for a while, from the sound of things.
No real calls of note lately, either.

Wow, this is a boring post. lol

unfortunatly, i cant think of anything else to write.

Cya later.


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