What a day.
It's been a busy few days. I've been getting swamped with calls while on duty with QVA, which is good cuz it means a nicer paycheck. Todays check was very nice. I've had a around 11 calls over the last 2 weeks. (a good number for a BFE ambulance).
Yesterday (Wed. actually) was busy.
We had our frequent flyer seizure pt... When we transported him was the first time i've gotten flipped off by a 5 year old. I'm still tryin to decide if he actually flipped me off, or if he was holding out his finger so that i could put a bandage on the finger we'd just checked a sugar off of. We had pricked his middle finger so that we could get a glucose reading, but when i came at hime with the bandage, he was lookin straight at me with perfect flippin the bird form. Poor fella. He'd been stuck with a 22 ga. twice, got a shot of Glucagon in the thigh, and 2 finger sticks for a blood sugar reading. Anyway, when i saw that finger in the air, i just started laughing. I found it comical for some reason.
On the way back from the hospital, we got hit for a head injury at the Middle School. We get there and someone meets us at the rig tellin us we've got a 13 y/o with a 1/8" dowel rod impaled in the back of his head. We were like "??!!" Sure enough, this kid had about 2 inches of this dowel rod under his scalp, in line with his spine. His hands were tinglin a bit, and with a few more things involved, the paramedic thought that our best bet would be to go to the regional trauma center peds unit. after securing the parents' approval, off we went. we drove all the way to the trauma center (around an hour drive), got the kid into the peds unit, and within 10-15 minutes, the doc grabbed the rod and slid it out, no X-rays or nothin. We're like "We drove all the way to Syracuse for that???" Ah well, a few extra bucks on the paycheck anyway.
The whole way back from syracuse we were watchin a fugly lookin storm. Dark, dark sky, lightning, rain, and a lil green sky in the mix.
Got back in quarters, got home, and 10 minutes later, the pagers are goin off again, for chest pains at the docs office. Driver and i get to the station and theres no paramedic in sight. turns out his pager didnt go off, so he met us on scene. we had a guy who had a very rapid pulse rate, doctor tells us he's in V-Tach. Paramedic shows up, we get pt in the rig, on the monitor, and the paramedic says "That doc needs an ACLS update. thats not V-Tach, it's SVT!" So Mr. Pt gets 6mg Adenosine, knocks down the SVT long enough for paramedic to see that there is underlying A-Flutter. Couple seconds later, pt jumps right back to SVT around 180bpm, same as before.
Next, pt gets 12 of Adenosine with the same results: knocks out the SVT, shows A-Flutter, then right back to SVT. Paramedic said that usually A-flutter doesnt conduct all the way thru the heart, but this time it was. Each A-Flutter spike kicked out a complete heartbeat.
While we were at the hospital, the storm hit pretty hard. almost torrential rain, heavy lightning, really nice stuff for november.
So that was pretty much the fun of the day.
Today was class again... Thought it was gonna be a quiz. Monday, Instructor said it was gonna be mostly multiple choice with a few fill in the blanks thrown in, and that was supposed to be tonite.
Tonite, however, he told us that the quiz is monday, with 37 fill in the blanks, but that we were gonna review tonite, and everything we needed to know would be on the review. Said if ppl fail the quiz after having the review, there were going to be issues.
Class was generally uneventful. Did some shock labs along with the review.
We had to stop at Wal-Mart on the way home so i could get some stuff for an oil change for my car. On the way out, my sister and i observed the following:
-Group of about 6 guys (late teens to early 20's) walking out of the store
-2 girls getting out of their car
-(One guy in group) "Hey.. Hey! What's Up?"
-(One of the girls) "Not much"
-(Guy) "Hey, what's your name?"
-(Girl) "I'm not allowed to tell ya!"
-(Guy) "Aww, C'mon!"
-(Girl) "Nice try. I'm only 13, buddy!"
-(Guys friends, my sister, and I) WHOOOOOAAAAHHH!!! (along with histerical laughter, jeering, and statements like "nice one, dude" and "Hey, you win some, you lose some")
It was hilarious. Funniest thing i've seen/heard since Derek popped his fake eye out during class.
I will say that this girl did not look 13. I can't remember if she got out of the back seat or the drivers seat. If she got out of the drivers seat, she obviously wasnt 13. So she either was actually 13, or of age but a quick thinker.
Not much else new. hit the bar last night and tonite, hung out, unwound a little...
It was snowin here today. Not heavily, but enough to let us know that we would soon be in its unrelenting grip.
I've got plenty of studying to do this weekend.
I'm making flash cards of definitions and important points in the book and my notes.
gotta learn this jazz one way or another.
I'm off for now. Cya.
I havn't laughed that hard since the glass eye incident either. Derek was in my lab group last night and when it was my turn he was like "Stace use the good eye" I started to laugh and the instructer was like "I dont want to know." So then Derek dropped somthing, smacked him self in the head and goes "Use the good eye Derek, the GOOD eye." The instructer was looking at us like we were nuts. hahah good times.
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