Sunday, January 29, 2006


by Metallica. for lyrics,

Yeah. Now that I got that outta my system...
I'm a little wound tonite. Ok, more than a little.
This is one of those "C'mon, f-ck with me. I dare you" nights.

"Adam," you ask, "What's the deal? You're normally a little cheerier than this."

Yep, you're right. I am normally cheerier than this. The reason for this?

Well, one of several reasons for this is the fact that it has been almost 24 hours since my last cigarette. Quick, someone pat me on the back, I swear I won't bean you. Nah, no pats on the back necessary. I've been looking for some motivation to quit for a while, and this really pleasant cold/sinus infection provided it.

Yeah, I know. I'm an EMT, paramedic student, blah blah blah, I know what smoking does to a person. And like every other smoker out there, I know what it does to me.

I send a big fat "get your head out of your ass" to every person who says that they didn't know smoking is bad for you. Helllooooooo, heated toxic smoke and fumes and chemicals entering your lungs! Why do you think animals run away when they smell smoke? Because! Smoke usually means something bad is coming!

So I've been smoking since late in my 17th year of life. I'm almost 23 now. So about 5 years. maxed out at a pack, pack and a half a day when I was in college and living alone at the fire station (all there was to do was sleep, study, smoke, watch TV, and eat. Really healthy time in my life) I had a few times where I had just straight-up quit, no nic fits or nothing. Just woke up one morning and said "ya know Adam, I'm not in the lung-pickling mood this morning." One time, I stayed quit for a good month... Then driving by one of the places I regularly got smokes, I said "I'm in the mood for a smoke." so I bought a pack, and off we go again. When that happened, I wasn't even craving. Just wanted a smoke. Stoopid Stoopid Stoopid.

Between the 3 Stoopids and now, we had a call. Came in "Chest pain and sweating, guy met us at end of his driveway, took him in, no problems. He did have inverted T waves though. But that's normal for some people.

So I have yet another job lead. Saw a civil service announcement for an exam for "Public Safety Telecommunicator" (aka the beloved "Dipspatcher". No offence to any PST's out there. :-D)
I'm gonna go for it. Why the hell not, ya know?

I went down to the Ecnalubma that I was talking about a post or 2 ago and picked up an application. Get that filled out and turned in, see what happens.

I was gonna write more, but I'm finally getting tired... It's 0411, and I've been nic fitting so bad that I haven't been tired, but I'm finally ready to get some sleep. May as well say goodbye to any productivity that may have been accomplished today.



At 1:27 PM, January 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! talk about a big soft teddy bear. you seem so happy today! I have never quit smoking...mostly becuase I have never started... I have never started... mostly becuase I have been around to many people that have quit. doesn't sound like and easy job... good luck dude! :)

At 5:53 AM, February 02, 2006, Blogger Adam said...

yeah, I was feeling like a big soft teddy bear that day alright... more like a grizzly bear. Good choice you made, not smoking. keep up the good decision making and don't start, or else i'll have to kick your butt. :-)


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